

There were 2 spiders fighting for territory dominance on my windshield today. I showed them. I turned on my windshield wipers. Total. Dominance.

I saw a book at the bookstore that I REALLY wanted. And I didn't buy it. It's called Jesus, Interuppted. Basically it's a summary of what biblical scholars of the last 2 hundred years think about the bible, and how it's NOTHING like people that go to church are taught.

I also saw the book " When March Became Mad" The story of the NCAA final in 1979. The players? Magic Johnson vs. Larry Bird. It's the game that changed basketball forever. Another book I REALLY want to read. But didn't buy.

Could be because I spent $$$ on Books just a few days ago.

I find that recently I've been reading books on behavior, both human and animal. Human, to try to better understand myself in relation to growing up in a bipolar household and how that informed my coping skills. Animal, because I'm really trying to understand my dogs as dogs, not as "kids".

Why is it that WHENEVER my hawks do something REALLY UBER COOL, my camera is nowhere to be found? Today I heard hawk screaming and little squeaks...Hehawk and Shehawk were sitting on top of the telephone pole with a (soon to be dead) rat. Then they took off with it in thier talons. It was Super. Cool. Of course, No Camera.

I need a new office chair. I nearly just fell out of this one.

I'm running in my first 5K in 14 years tomorrow. Well running is such an objective term. Let's call it participating. My plan is to do my old man jogging imitation, then power walk like I mean it, then sprint about 2 ft from the finish line.

Fatty and the pups have taken to hanging out all together. Last night, I accidently tripped over fatty and stepped on her foot. She rowred and Boomer came running to save her. I'm not sure how or why this has happened. But apparently they all like each other now.

I got my hair done yesterday.

It's got purple streaks.

Yay me.


  1. I AM SO HELLA PROUD OF YOU! *jumps around screaming* You go, baby GO!

    AND PURPLE! zomg, I zoomed down here to comment right after reading hte 5K thing and you're PURPLE!





    Super. Amazingly. Awesomely. Proud.

    You made my WHOLE WEEK!

  2. I bet you knew that last Jaime wasn't this Jaime huh? *giggle* But I'm proud too :)
